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The QuickBooks Suite has grown – now’s the time to rethink QuickBooks


Client accounting, tax, practice management and much more for you and your clients.

Promoted by Intuit QuickBooks 4 minute read

As an accountant or bookkeeper, it's likely  MYOB and Xero are among the software solutions you recommend to your clients. These options have become popular and reliable choices in the industry, but recent price hikes from Xero may have you considering different possibilities. Luckily, there's a new player in town that's offering a cost-effective solution with a cutting-edge approach to accounting.

Intuit QuickBooks is hosting a new event series that takes a closer look at its software, and how it can be beneficial to accounting practices and their clients. This free event will present a product showcase designed to educate accounting professionals on the functionality and benefits of making the switch to QuickBooks.

The event welcomes you to ask yourself - "Am I getting the best deal?" It's an important question to consider since accounting software solutions are an essential tool for accounting and bookkeeping practices. You need to ensure that you're providing your clients with a software solution that works for their unique needs, without breaking the bank or compromising on quality.

However, selecting accounting software can be a daunting task, with a large number of options available in the market today. Many of these software solutions may claim to be better and cheaper than the rest, but few can hold up against the innovative features and savings that QuickBooks offers.

One such feature is QuickBooks' dedication to product innovation. The Australian version of QuickBooks has gone through two new product releases within the last year. Tax and practice management functionality is now incorporated into the platform and QuickBooks is constantly preparing its products to support new technology.

QuickBooks also provides a dedicated partner manager who you can contact via phone if you have any questions or issues. This feature is a great way to eliminate the frustration that can be experienced when dealing with a faceless support system.

Lastly, QuickBooks prides itself on its affordable pricing, a valuable aspect that shouldn't be overlooked during a cost of living crisis. You'll be surprised to learn just how much value for money QuickBooks can provide. By switching to QuickBooks, you could pass on savings to your clients, ultimately strengthening your client relationships and helping to retain them as long-term customers.

But what else can you expect from the QuickBooks event series? The showcase will provide attendees with a comprehensive look at all the features and benefits QuickBooks has to offer, beyond simply price point and innovation.

This free event delivery will be packed with a plethora of expert advice, including how to:

  • Customise the software to your practice and clients' specific needs
  • Use the platform's features for accounts payable and receivable automation to streamline your workflow
  • Estimate tax payments, track inventory and handle payroll calculations with ease
  • Connect to other apps in the QuickBooks suite to increase productivity

The event series is designed to be interactive and includes lunch, so you can connect with other professionals in the accounting field. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions and see demonstrations of the software in action, giving you a better understanding of how QuickBooks can work for you and your clients.

The benefits of QuickBooks are clear, and the innovative edge of this software solution is something accountants and bookkeepers need to consider when looking for an improved alternative to Xero, MYOB, and other options. By attending the QuickBooks event series, you could discover the best-kept secret in the accounting industry. Investing just two hours of your time could help provide long-term benefits to your bottom line.

Between the innovative features, affordable pricing, and dedicated support, there's a lot to like about QuickBooks. If you're tired of paying high prices for your software and want to streamline your accounting processes, attending this event series is an excellent place to start.

In conclusion, the QuickBooks event series offers a unique opportunity for accountants and bookkeepers to learn about a new, cost-effective, and innovative solution to accounting software. Take your time to consider your options and learn more about QuickBooks - by attending the event, you'll learn how this software can help to streamline your workflow and provide value for you and your clients. Registering for the event is free, so don't delay - register today and take your accounting practice to new heights.

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