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3 tips: How to provide a rich client experience and win more business


Darren Root Chief Stategist at an accounting firm-improvement organisation, discusses the importance of providing an exceptional client experience in today’s market.

Promoted by Intuit QuickBooks 4 minute read

I’m at the point in my life where I seek to buy products and services based largely on the experience I receive. There was a time when going out to dinner meant going to places such as TGI Fridays, but not any longer. Today, I seek out that local spot – you know, the kind of place where “everybody knows your name”. The same goes for hotels, travel destinations and every other purchase I make. For me, it’s about the brand story and the client experience. I’m guessing that if you look at your own buying habits, you might find the same to be true.

I see this desire for an exceptional experience everywhere I turn – and it’s happening across generations as well. My grown children who are in their 20s and 30s all seek a rich client experience … and you can bet our clients are, too.

Companies such as Amazon and Starbucks are changing client expectations. Technology platforms used by today’s modern businesses are a key driver in enhancing the client experience. However, technology alone is not enough. 

Leading firms are coupling technology with a clarity of services and strong relationships to compete and thrive. Think of technology as the platform that empowers your clients. Clarity is presenting what you sell in a clear and concise manner, and building strong relationships is something you already do well – that is, personally connecting with each client to make them feel special. Today, a great client experience is defined by so much more than a powerful technology platform.

Given the importance of providing an exceptional client experience in today’s market, the question we should be asking ourselves is how does the experience we provide stack up to the competition? 

And, more to the point: What can we do to make it even better to retain our existing clients and win new ones? 

What is the definition of a great client experience? 

Remember, a great client experience is not just a friendly receptionist; it also encompasses so much more, including these components:

  • Brand: The fundamental story of what your firm is and strives to be, which forms the foundation on which your firm stands.
  • Brand experience: All of the touch points through which your clients interact with your firm and form an impression of it, good or bad. Your client experience is a subset of your brand experience.
  • Client interactions: These make up the “action” piece of your client experience; some might call it client service. It’s where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. The focus here is on catering to your clients’ specific needs to create the best possible outcome in all interactions.
  • Marketing: In my eyes, this means telling the story of your brand and your client experience in a way that attracts the right clients to your business, and it is vital to the overall success of your firm.

3 ways to deliver exceptional client service

Now that we’ve examined what comprises the right kind of client experience, let’s take a look at three steps you can use to deliver one (and great client service) at your firm.

1: Understand the kind of clients you want to serve and the services you want to deliver to them

You can’t be all things to all people, and, if you try, it is unlikely that you will be great at any of them. You must understand who you want to serve, and how you want to serve them, before you can develop a plan to create an incredible client experience plan. Know your client and what’s important to them, then develop a plan to excel at every touchpoint.

2: Build your technology delivery model with your ideal client in mind

I travel regularly, which makes me an ideal prospect for many airlines. I am loyal to Delta Airlines and have elevated status because of this loyalty, which means I generally receive a very satisfactory client experience beyond the basics, such as having every one of their flights take off and land on time. If that were all that I could expect from Delta, it would not be enough for a great client experience, in my eyes.

I want (and expect) more from my experience with Delta. I want to be able to search trips online to find the flights that are best suited to my schedule. I don’t want to have to call a travel agent. I want to be able to check-in using my mobile device, instead of standing in long lines at the airport. I also want a mobile boarding pass. If Delta’s technology delivery model didn’t include all these options, in addition to the fact that they take off and land on time, I would look elsewhere.

Similarly, what do your clients expect and want from your firm? Build your business model based on the kind of experience your ideal client wants from you. It may not be obvious at the moment, so you may have to ask them.

3: Develop the team to deliver your products

Note that I said products, not services. Your ideal clients want to buy solutions from you, not an hourly service model. When you have a focused set of products designed around a cloud-based anytime, anywhere, any device delivery system, you can train your staff to execute based on the expectations you and your clients have. So, once you design your solutions, build and train your team to deliver them, setting clear client experience expectations in the process.

Building a better client experience should be done by design. Take the time to first design the foundation formed by your products, ideal clients, delivery system and team, so that you can then focus on your brand and client experience. 

Too many firms never take the time to do the foundational work, and therefore struggle with their brand and client experience. However, if you devote the time and vision necessary, you will be that much closer to having great client service, an exceptional client experience, and more of your ideal clients.

A key part of building a truly great client experience is choosing the right technology to deliver it. Read this post from Alan FitzGerald, who provides his tips to build an accounting tech stack that solves today’s problems and sets you up for future success.

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